"Colors and Shapes in Balance"
Plaster and latex on canvas
"Red Abstract"
Latex on canvas
"Sunset in a Hot Clime"
Acrylic on canvas
"Desolate Landscape"
Acrylic on canvas
"Comes the Night"
Plaster and acrylic on canvas
Detail of "Comes the Night"
"Raining Colors"
Plaster, enamel, and latex on canvas
Plaster and latex on canvas
"3050: The Disintegration of the City"
Acrylic on canvas
Plaster and latex on canvas
"Color Squares"
Latex on canvas
"Color Tiles"
Latex on canvas
"Confetti II"
Latex on canvas
"Morning Has Broken"
Gold leaf and latex on canvas
"Dream of a Foggy Morning"
Gold leaf and latex on canvas
"Desert Heat"
Gold leaf, copper leaf, and plaster on canvas
"Green Horizon"
Latex on canvas
Acrylic on canvas
I like comes at night, green horizon,desert heat,foggy morning, color squares, sunset in hot clime. Where are prices?